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CONTENT: As soon as I read this entry, I could really feel for you. I have the same problems, especially the anxiety and the depression. Yikes. I take meds. as well. When I was your age, I didn't know what "anxiety disorder" was. No one really had a name for it, so I thought I was nuts. It was wonderful when there was a name and a treatment. Your overall content is nice. I like the way you write for yourself, with the knowledge that people are reading. That's tricky. Good job there. Some entries are short, but say a lot, and some are longer. Very well done.

Content Score: 45/45

EXPRESSION/PERSONALITY: This entry was very expressive. Don't discount the comfort your dogs can bring you. They are very good friends, too!

Expression/Personality Score: 25/25

EXTRAS: Lots! Book, AIM, Profile, Email, Notes, Website, Readers, Livejournal....Good!

Extras Score: 10/10

CONTACT: Yep...you're "contactable"!

Contact Score: 10/10

LINK: Yep, it's there under "reviews", and it takes me here! Yipee.

Link Score: 10/10

OVERALL: You have a really nice journal, and I wish you all the best. I really think that you pour lots of feeling into your writing, and your express yourself very well. Be proud of your writing. You may join the Diamond Ring.

Score: 100/100

Reviewed on 2003-08-22 at 10:45 p.m. by Leslie Irene

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