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dreamin' my life away

I guess you are the typical teenager. You talk about boys, your parents, your friends, school, and things that are important to you. It's not a bad thing, I remember doing the same when I was your age. And what's a diary if not to talk about things that are important to you? You seem quite mature for your age, so that gives you plus points, however, it would be nice to see entries on more profound topics, things maybe you see on the news that provoke feelings about things other than boys, IRC, and school.

For the entries you write, you express your feelings well. This entry is especially telling of your feelings. I can tell whether you feel sad, happy, angry, annoyed from the way you put your words. I can tell how you feel about certain people by the way you write about them in entries, and I wasn't surprised to see that your parents often annoyed you. At your age, everyone is annoyed by their parents, myself included. It's a good indication of your age.

Rings, Links, Website, About me page. I think I also saw a quizzes page along my journey through your diary, and you mentioned a cast list, but I couldn't find that. Maybe you could link in any other extras you might have scattered around...

Notes and guestbook. Do you have an email address?

On the links page!

TOTAL: 80/100

Overall, this is a nice diary. But I do feel you need to focus a bit more on writing entries based on your feelings on different topics. This will make your diary appeal to more people than just other teenagers. Try collab sites for topic ideas. Please enjoy the Ruby Ring!

Score: 80/100

Reviewed on 2003-09-06 at 11:03 a.m. by Nicola

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