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Still Singing

CONTENT: Let me say my very first impression of your diary was that it is very stark, and it is, but once I looked at it for a while, I began to appreciate how simple and to-the-point is its own sort of style. And I can totally appreciate that. Actually, your template goes very well with your to-the-point entries. Your entries are short, and rather random thoughts about your boyfriend, or at least some guy(s) that are in your life. You write very briefly, little context if any, but your little entries are almost poetic, like here, and I like that. This was much longer, but I could see how it would be. I�m going to take a shot in the dark (sorry if I�m completely wrong) that this isn�t your only diary. Here, reguardless, you write as if you are talking to a certain guy, a bunch of unsent letters to him as to how you feel about him and what you want. I suppose for what it is, your diary is quite interesting. No capitalization :(. (36/45)

EXPRESSION: Well, when you don�t say a lot, it�s harder to be expressive, and harder to find a personality in your writing. I do, however, admire your disreguard for anyone who might be reading out of the blue. There is a distinct style, and purpose in what you write, and I think that, in all, is very well done. (20/25)

EXTRAS: Profile (I want more...show me the extras!)(1/10)

CONTACT: Email, guestbook, notes (10/10)

LINK: Yes (10/10)

TOTAL SCORE: (77/100)

COMMENTS:Normally, I would harass you for more extras, but after reading your diary, I guess they aren�t all that important. However, I can�t really make exceptions, it�s the way the scoring is done. Of course, with the sort of style in which you write, I think it would be easy to think of some creative extras. Anyway, if this was one of my Diary Reviews, reviews, I would give you a 5/5 for whether or not I would come back, because I think I would.

Score: 77/100

Reviewed on 2003-08-25 at 3:43 p.m. by Renee

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