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Review For: HTTP://tailbonelust.diaryland.com

Content: 15/25

Ugh. I really don't like giving bad reviews... honest. But this diary left a lot to be desired. It was rather bland. The entries were short. And the ones I found that were not, were not the diarists own words. In one entry, the diarist says she couldn;t be a reviewer, because if the first entry did't get the attention, she'd be done. Well, this was not the case for me. I thought there had to be some better ones.

I found nothing I'd write home about. I'm sorry. As I searched for something worth commenting positively on, I found 3 I'd give as suggestions as to why I can't give this diary a good review.

1st example, the diarist talks about the fact that her vagina is named "Roxy" and that she has not named her breasts. And then asks for suggestions. Ugh. And that's all there was really.

Second: There was a diary entry about the Conneticut woman who ended up in jail on the night of her wedding. It was the news article I saw online, cut and pasted with photo. The only comment made by the diarist, "haha." Umm, ok.

Lastly, I found a diary entry entitled: Dabate Topic.. I thought, okay, something I can finally review. Heh! She mentioned that she ran out of tampons and used rolled up t.p. and invited TSS to strike. And then went into an hourly list of events that occured that day.

Need I say more?

Expression/personality: 10/25 (See above comment)

Extras: 10/10

Contact: 5/10 Notes worked... aim link did not.

Link: 0/10 Couldn't find it

Note to Diarist: Please, feel free to ask to be re-reviewed by another reviewer as per policy.

Score: 40

Reviewed on 2003-08-30 at 2:17 a.m. by Sara

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