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Content: 30/45

I enjoyed the light and cheeriness of following a younger (than me anyway) woman delve into issues fo friendship, daily life and her own personal Tale of Two Hearts. I'm not usually into diaries that only deal with day to day sagas... but this was... different. Refreshing in that category.

Personality/Expression: 20/25

This diarist expresses herself well. She is very descriptive and well spoken. She seems to be smart and down to Earth. And if her layout speaks for her expressions, wow. this girl has style!

Link: 5/10

The usual link was not present. Under the reviews section, I did find a link, but not our normal. Wasn't sure how this is to be scored, so i went with 5.

Contact: 10/10 You can't help but find 'em! I think the tag board is cute!

Extras: 15/10 Just because I loved the layout, the extra stuff she oacked in a non-cuttered or chaotic way. And user friendly... bonus!

Cleverkitten, you are now a Ruby diarist. Please get with me soon or with Leslie about what this means.

And keep me up to date on you and Shane!

Score: 80

Reviewed on 2003-08-24 at 9:16 a.m. by Sara

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