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Content: 45/45

Whoosh... and then she saw the light! This guy knocked my on my fanny like you wouldn;t believe. He is very personal, invites us into his deepest thoughts- offset and balanced by light humor enough that I wanted to ponder, laugh and cry all at once. And he uses 50 cent words! Some, even having a defination behind them. I so loved that. this diary will be a fave for me. It really got me thinking about things. It ruffled the feathers- in a good way!

Expression/personality: 25/25

This diarist has no problems in this department either. There's a rawness to him and he isn't afraid to show it!

Link: 10/10

Content: 10/10

Extras: 15/10 The surveys really piqued my interest! 5 bonus points!

My first perfect (and even above) score!


Thanks for letting us in, keep it real. I will be back!!!

And, you get the diamond award!

Score: 105

Reviewed on 2003-08-24 at 10:42 a.m. by Sara

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