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Who Loves the Breeder??

CONTENT: Mm, starting out I'm finding myself not extremely entertained. A lot of your entries are pretty short, and I'm just not getting much feeling out of it. I do find the fact that you seem to attract gay people to you kind of funny. It provides for some humor/drama in your life. This entry just in its simplicity brought a smile to my face. :) Awww, I like that poem. Basically, I like what you write about, and I feel like you have so much going on, so many funny, interesting things, that it would be nice to read more of it. Maybe add onto your entries a bit, or even update more often, and that would work. You have an interesting life, and I'd love to hear more about it. ^-^

Content Score: 33/45

EXPRESSION/PERSONALITY: As little as you do write, I feel a mega outpouring of, "this is me and my life" from you, and I really like it. It would be nice if you opened up a tad more, like in this entry. I really connected with it for some reason, and I'd love it if I saw more of that... not necessarily the same feeling (because it sucks >.<) but more emotion, I guess? I don't feel like you're hiding anything, really, but I do feel as if you could say more. Like, for instance, the night you met the bouncer and the redneck/his girlfriend, was there anything else that happend out of that? You express yourself, but I guess I feel as if there could be more. I like your personality, though. I think I'd probably get along with you quite well in real life.

Expression/Personality Score: 20/25

EXTRAS: Rings, 100 things, and quizzes. There could be more, but yeah.

Extras Score: 5/10

CONTACT: Right on the layout: E-mail, Notes, and Guestbook. Your IM's are kind of hidden away in your profile. Maybe put IM's up on the main page somehow?

Contact Score: 8/10

LINK: Waiting > Rare Silk button > Rare Silk. Good job!

Link Score: 10/10


Comments: You did put that you were very self-centered twice in your 100 things. ^.~ (20 and 92) And do me a favor, please please? Make it so that the months in your archives are in order. I was confused for a second. >.< Hahaha, there are about two or three characters that I wanted to slap upside the head. All together I liked flipping through the random entries, I just wish there would've been more.. uhm, I guess substance would be the word. I'll say it again, you have an interesting life. I'd love to hear more about it. I'll drop in again one day. ^.~

Score: 76

Reviewed on 2003-08-02 at 2:37 a.m. by Sasha

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