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Amber's Space Presents: 2 Years of Peace & Music....and a lot of diary entries.

CONTENT: The first entry I went for is this one. I like to know about the writer. You did a great job of describing yourself, and I can tell you put a lot of work into it. I can relate to the daydreaming/musings. That's something I love to do. Yes, it has to have music as a back-drop, too! I also love the French language, but am somewhat rusty now. I liked this entry as well! That was funny about ex-boyfriend! He sounds like a major dorko. lol This entry cracked me up because in you state that you don't talk that much in real life! For some reason, in your writing, it seems hard to believe! You seem totally outgoing. Just struck me as funny. I guess that's the great thing about these online journals; we can be whoever we want! Great writing in this one! I had to laugh at your scathing words for your dad's girlfriend! Too good.

Content Score: 46/45

EXPRESSION/PERSONALITY: Even though layout is not a part of our scoring, we are allowed to give extra points if one's layout is truly outstanding. Your's is. Very clean, totally COOL, and designed by none other than you, yourself, and ...you! Fantastic job. I think it is very reflective of you. You are so entertaining as a writer! I really enjoyed reading your entries. I can tell that you really love to write not only by the length of your entries, but by the sheer quality. You write about anything and everything. I wish I could do that. Hey, I think you've inspired me to be more candid! Thanks! Definately, I liked this entry! He, he, he! Just from reading your diary, you seem to have a great, fun personality, and you and I like the same type of classic rock. Well, I actually was around when some of the stuff was first released, but...ahem. I love it! I love the other stuff, too. As a former music major, I embrace almost every form of music out there. Fun stuff. What would we do without music?

Expression/Personality Score: 30/25 extra credit for the impressive layout that helped with expression and personality.

EXTRAS: Oh my gosh..reading through "The Band", and I got to "La Whore". Ba ha ha! Too funny! You have a lot of quality extras which include various websites, and the like, all detailed here. Well done! Plus, you have other extras such as your "About Me" page, "The Band", "Fans", "Profile", Imood, your clock/thermometer, Clix, and onward. Well done!

Extras Score: 10/10

CONTACT: Notes, guestbook, guestmap, comments....yes, you are "contactable"!

Contact Score: 10/10

LINK: Yep! It's there on the "extras" page, and wow...what a rush...it takes me here!

Link Score: 10/10

OVERALL: I really, really enjoyed your diary! You should be proud that you write so well, and that you designed that cool layout! I have such respect for designers. My goal is to learn tons about html. I'm still an infant in that realm. Your personality really shines through, and I must say...I like you! You may join the Diamond Ring. :) You will also be listed as one of our favorite diaries, and put on the "Rare Silk Diaries" page.

Score: 106/100

Reviewed on 2003-08-11 at 5:47 p.m. by Leslie Irene

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