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Cheshire-Katt review


Content: 30/45

This diary puts it all out there for you to read. You have basic updates, mad rants, inserts of humor and on ocasion, the kind of entry that makes you go, "Hmmm." Like the one where she hops onto her soap box and has her say about her thoughts on religion. And I was able to relate to her abou migraines as I suffer with them also. And I had to laugh when she mentioned her younger sister peed on her bedroom carpet (mine did that frequently). There was an entry for almost every mood. Good layout. A bit busy. I was click happy checking everything out for over an hour. LOL

Expression/Personality: 20/25

This diarist makes no bones about putting her thoughts out there. I would love to see more of her odeals on a larger variety of subjects. There's a world of debate wrapped in those fingers just waiting to be released. I can feel it.

Link: 10/10 Easily found.

Contact: 10/10

Extras: 10/10

A fun read. Something I might check back into once every so often!

And as a side bar note... migraines are caused by blood vessels in your brain swelling and expanding. You're right about the pain. And I get pukey and very ill also. Fortunately, I found a doctor who knew my struggles and prescribed me Imitrex. A drug that's expensive but most insurances cover. If your doctor won't prescribe you anything and get you get them even semi-frequently, I would search for a doc who will get ya something. And I wouldn't stop 'til you found one. I went thru 12. There are also pills called beta-blockers that my doc says helps to keep those cells from swelling. We're going to try those to avoid migraines.

Keep in mind, I am no doctor. But you're right about no medicine cabinet having what ya need. But there ARE options. I'd consult your doctor if you have the means. Migraines are beasts, but they can be controlled.

Best of luck, Sara P.S. You may join the Ruby ring. Congrats.

Score: 80

Reviewed on 2003-10-03 at 5:03 a.m. by Sara

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