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pensive thoughts

CONTENT: 49/45 **Bonus**

I love your design! Beautiful. Unfortunately your design link doesn�t work. But, since we don�t score on your design, you won�t lose any points for that. But, I will give you an extra 5 points for the beautiful layout that goes well with your writing. I want to give you 10 extra but, your design link doesn�t work, so, I will have to go with the 5. The date of your entry at the top of your page doesn�t seem to change. It stays on 6/26/03. In your archives your dates show up on the dates of your entries just not at the top of your entry. I will only remove 1 point for that because it is a simple fix.

I�m sitting here reading your diary and it has truly kept me reading! Your writing is beautiful. And very emotionally deep, emotionally deep like mine. Your writing interests me. Have you thought about being a journalist or writing a book? (ok, scratch that question, I just read that you do want to be a writer, lol.) You are very open, honest and truthful in your writing, and I like that. Journal writing is the best way to deal with ones emotions. Reading your diary I feel like I am there with you on everything that you write, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions. Very intriguing as well. You are a very unique, don�t let anyone tell you different!


I love this quote that you have; "There are those in life who stand behind the glass. Wait long enough, and the glass will shatter...revealing the treasure behind. Its the problem of waiting for the glass. Love those beside you now..and be patient�. And how so true this quote can be. I do want to say that you express yourself very well. And you have a great personality from what I have read in your entries. I feel like I know you personally. You have so much potential and so much going for you. I can tell that you will go far in life.

EXTRAS: 9/10

Awesome extras! I especially like the appasionata. Most definitely my style�I actually just finally bought the book Queen of the Damned.

Have you thought about putting your surveys under your extras section? You also may want to add a cast list so that those that read your diary know who you are conversing about. I will only remove 1 point for not having a cast list. It�s great that you have a picture page! I love the picture of you that is titled �computer�, it�s a very good picture of you. The quizzes that you have in a few of your entries, they are fun (I�ve done a few as I read your diary) and I would like to suggest that maybe you set up a different link just for your quizzes. I haven�t seen these online since I started reading your diary, I�m sure that others would like to enjoy taking them as well.


Various ways to contact you! Wonderful!! You may want to add your notes link to your page. Another great contact from others in diaryland world!

LINK: 10/10

The link was very easy to locate. It is located on the main diary page.

TOTAL SCORE: 102/00 points


Your title, Silentlylost, that is the perfect way of putting how I feel myself. I just never thought of it that way. **smiles** I�m sorry that your father is in Iraq, and I hope he does come home very soon. Just keep thinking positive. He will be home soon. I myself have 3 relatives over there all at the same time. **sigh** And always remember friends come and go in our lives, but those that are your true friends will always be your family, they will always be there no matter what happens in your life.

You have EARNED the Diamond Ring Award!

Please accept this reward for all your effort and hard work you�ve put into your page!

Score: 102/100

Reviewed on 2003-08-03 at 3:10 p.m. by Victorianna

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