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CONTENT: I think this entry is a good example of what your diary is like: a daylog, but somehow it keeps me interested. You make comments on what happened, instead of just relaying the information keeping your reader informed and not lost. A lot of times when people report what happended to them during the day they don�t give much context and leave the reader a bit lost. You did a good job of keeping me intrested. This entry I think is also a good example of how you told what happened during the day, but also give a point of view. Of course you made the right choice here Minnesota is wonderful! Law school is good too. And here you let us know that you�re proud of your choice. :) (39/45)

EXPRESSION: Your diary isn�t very expressive, but you do have a distinct personality. I felt like I got to know you quite well, I was very interested in what you would have to say next. (22/25)

EXTRAS: Bio, cast, 100 things, profile, rings, links, and buddylist (10/10)

CONTACT: Email (5/10)

LINK: A beautiful button. (10/10)

TOTAL SCORE: (86/100)

COMMENTS: Okay, the fourth entry I read really gave me a good first impression of you. It seems like you go to Carleton, which I�m totally familiar with because I used to live in MN, I have an aunt in Northfield, and I�m actually going to apply to the very near by St. Olaf! Just thought I�d share that :). Also, you can join the ruby diaryring!

Score: 86/100

Reviewed on 2003-08-26 at 5:50 p.m. by Renee

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