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I could not ask for more

CONTENT: I liked this. (here). "Oh, tragedy." It's a good read for anyone, except for the little kids. Lot's of sex! (same entry) LOL. Like I said, it's a good read. (45/45)

EXPRESSION: The 101 Things really helped me identify who you are, because your entries I can't define that you're somewhere between a tomboy and a straight girl. According to your 101 things, you play with G.I. Joes, not Barbie's. I would think of you to be a girlygirl, not the tomboy with the guys. Even so, I like how you express yourself and write what's on your mind. (22/25)

EXTRAS: 101 things, cast, Disclaimer, Links to other places. Surveys, keep going... (10/10)

CONTACT: All the necessities. (10/10)

LINK: On the front page! You rock. (10/10)

SCORE: 97/100

COMMENTS: Enjoy the emerald ring. Dorm life has it's ups and downs (you got a college freshmen here), so I know how ya feel =) Good luck with everything.

Score: 97

Reviewed on 2003-09-01 at 10:51 p.m. by Stebo

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