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I'm here for you to use, broken and bruised.

CONTENT: Wow, your diary looks fantastic! That wonderful image caught my eye the second I opened the page. The layout's neat, functional, and best of all, made by you! As for what you write about, it is wonderful, mature content. Goodness! I just saw your DOB in your 100 list, and you're only fifteen? If I were to hazzard a guess at your age, I would have guessed at least 17, possibly 18 (since you mentioned classes). Most fifteen year olds can't seem to think about much more than school, friends, parents and love interests. You too write about this, but you write about it with feeling. There are short entries too, which state a simple fact, and nothing else, but that's fine, as a diary is a place to record events as well as anything else!

EXPRESSION/PERSONALITY: You have maturity in your writing well beyond your years. You have feeling and emotion, and it comes out well in your writing. You're so young for such hurt you feel here. It always seems like maturity in people so young as you come at a price. Fifteen year olds should be happy-go-lucky, moaning about exams, giggling with girl-friends, eating popcorn at sleepovers. I feel like you lost all of that. I'm not sure why you are depressed, and why you cut, but I feel nothing but sympathy for you. If you wrote an entry about why you cut, and I overlooked it, please let me know, I'd really like to find out more about your reasons for cutting.

EXTRAS: A very thorough cast list of close friends and family through to online friends, old crushes, etc. Your bio is very organised and extensive, under categories of appearance, social skills, dreams, etc. You have a list of your favourite reads, pictures, 100 things, surveys, links to ED sites and cutting sites. Extra points for the effort you've put into your extras!

CONTACT: Guestbook, notes, email, MSN, Yahoo, AIM, and a PO Box! Double what I think the basics are!

LINK: A little hard to find (The link to "Spiffy review sites" confused me a little, thinking at first there was a review site called Spiffy Reviews, and that's where it would go to.) But no, I'm just dumb. ;-)

TOTAL SCORE: 104/100

COMMENTS: You have a fabulous diary. A wonderful layout (this coming from a designer!), and fabulously mature writing for your age. Keep it up, and enjoy the diamond ring. You will also make it onto Rare Silk's profile and Rare Silk Diaries. Well done!

Score: 104/100

Reviewed on 2003-09-24 at 7:05 p.m. by Nicola

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